(250) 275-4829


Elected Official / CAO Coaching

Even the best local government professionals need some support. We offer a tailored coaching experience that looks different for each individual but is focused on capacity building and candid, confidential advising. 
We specialize in assisting with; elected/management dynamics, relationship building, stakeholder relations, decision-making, conflict resolution, goal-setting, building trust, accountability, and more.
In our work with CAOs, we act as a resource for the “single employee” of Councils and Boards. Because the CAO role is often a lonely one, with many demands that make it distinct from other leadership positions, we have seen significant success when those in CAO roles are able to discuss these competing demands with a qualified and confidential local government expert.
The Mayors/Chairs we coach at Paragon find having a confidential sounding board equips them to handle the challenges of their role with confidence.